The Beauty Parlor Management System is a comprehensive software, automating beauty parlor management. It offers online scheduling, customer and staff management, invoice generation, sales tracking, online payments, and stock management. Admin oversees all. It simplifies appointment scheduling, tracks sales and purchases, enhancing customer experience and business efficiency. Built with modern web technology for accessibility, it’s an invaluable tool for salon and spa owners.

  • Beauty Parlour Management
  • Business Efficiency Tools
  • Salon and Spa Software
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People search for homes for rent or leases. Some people will not be having the idea of exactly where the houses are present for rent or lease. To solve these problems, the home renting system will be of great help. It will allow the users to search for the homes of their choice that are present in the region of their choice. This will result in transparency. There will be direct contact with the person who will be giving the house for rent and the customers. There will be no middle men involved in this Matter.Online House rental portal is a web page where house owners, administrators, and customers can exchange information effectively and inexpensively. The main aim of this system is to list the houses for rent/sale/lease and the users looking for a place to rent/sale/lease could find the details of the house. It shows the information like price, image and detailed description of the house.

  • House Rental System
  • Online Housing Portal
  • Real Estate Management
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Rail accidents are a major safety concern worldwide, with the U.S. witnessing over 40,000 incidents from 2001 to 2012, costing $45 million. About 5,200 accidents exceeded $141,500 in damages. The Federal Railroad Administration mandated reports with fixed fields and narratives to analyze these accidents. It utilizes text mining techniques to uncover accident characteristics, improving predictive accuracy for extreme accident costs. Results demonstrate significant enhancement in predictive accuracy, especially when using ensemble methods. Text mining provides unique insights,complementing fixed field analysis in understanding accident contributors.

  • Federal Railroad Administration
  • Rail Safety
  • Text Mining Techniques
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The App eases the entry process into the  Campus/ IT hub or an organisation ensuring a higher level of security. The whole long queue in front of the Visitors area can be reduced to an extent. Since the authorised officials are approving the entry status, the system becomes more secure. The visitors can request for a pass to attend interviews and Walk-ins. Meetings can also be scheduled. You can also view the passes already requested and the status of approval. The walk-ins published can be viewed on a single click. The invitations from various companies can also be viewed.  

  • Access Management
  • Corporate Security
  • Visitor Control
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We introduce CaRP, a novel security approach using hard AI problems, merging Captcha and graphical passwords. CaRP combats various attacks, including online guessing, relay, and shoulder-surfing. It also addresses image hotspot issues in graphical passwords. Additionally, we employ Rabin’s Cryptosystem for robust password authentication in real-time systems.

  • AI-based Security
  • Authentication
  • Cybersecurity
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It aims to review past work in vehicle tracking, monitoring, and alerting systems, categorize methodologies, and identify trends. Challenges arise from real-time location accuracy and alerting issues. GPS is widely used for tracking and monitoring, while RFID and GSM are common technologies for bus monitoring and alerting systems, essential for conveying vehicle information to users.

  • GPS Technology
  • Real-Time Monitoring
  • Vehicle Tracking Systems
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Computers facilitate various crimes, including hacking, drug trafficking, and child pornography. Over 75% of criminals store plans on their PCs or laptops. Investigative officers extract evidence from suspects’ machines, but the rise in computer-related crimes necessitates specialized forensic tools. These tools streamline the process, making it more efficient than manual searches. Inspired by the Sûreté du Québec (SQ) forensic process, we introduce a unique subject-based semantic document clustering model. It helps investigators group documents on a suspect’s computer into overlapping clusters, each corresponding to an investigator-defined subject of interest. Our system stands out in the crowded field of forensic tools.

Module Description


Our ‘Subject Based Forensic Investigation’ project comprises four modules. ‘Registration’ is the initial module, akin to standard user registration. In our system, multiple users, serving as investigators, must register to access all its features.



After the user registration, the investigator should login to our proposed  system with the registered user id and the password. After login to our proposed system.  We can do our next processes after login to the account.  

Subject Vector Expansion 

The module’s primary goal is to expand input vectors by suggesting nouns and verbs related to the subject. Using the ‘Subject Vector Expansion’ algorithm, we generate expansion vectors using WordNet for synonyms. These vectors serve as synonym lists for document clustering and are stored in a database. They facilitate data mining on the criminal’s machine, enabling file inspections.

Document Clustering

This module uses a ‘Clustering Algorithm’ to analyze suspect files. Keywords in files are compared to synonyms. Matching files are moved to a new folder. This central module enhances our investigation strategy by creating evidence from the clustered folder.

  • Computer Crimes
  • Digital Forensics
  • Law Enforcement
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Security stats reveal a surge in data leaks, often due to human errors. To combat this, a privacy-preserving data-leak detection method is proposed. It allows secure delegation of detection operations without disclosing sensitive data, offering a privacy-focused add-on service for Internet providers, with effective results in real-world scenarios.

  • Data Security
  • Data-Leak Detection
  • Privacy Protection
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In a two-server PAKE protocol, a client divides its password into two shares, enabling secure authentication without revealing the password. This paper introduces compilers that transform two-party PAKE protocols into two-server ID2S PAKE protocols with implicit authentication. These ID2S PAKE protocols maintain security without random oracles, offering a computational efficiency advantage over Katz et al.’s two-server PAKE protocol with similar security guarantees.

  • Information Security
  • Password Authentication
  • Two-Server Authentication
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Cloud computing offers new ways to access and store personal and business data via the internet but faces trust issues due to third-party involvement. Fog computing is a solution for data security. Despite cloud storage’s widespread use, security remains a major concern. Evolving communication and computing paradigms introduce new data security challenges. Existing cloud data protection methods fail to prevent data theft attacks. Fog computing utilizes User Behavior Profiling and Decoy Technology. The proposed CUSUM algorithm improves data theft detection by tracking user access pattern changes. User Behavior Profiling includes identifying users based on typing delays and using a simplified picture password.

Module Description
Trusted Authority

The authority verifies user details. An algorithm with basic CP-ABE generates a public parameter and master key. It creates ciphertext for specific users based on access policies.

Apache Server

Apache server send the file to the requested user  save user details ,Here re encrypt the file name

Group Manager

Upload the video file and encrypt send the file to the APACHE  server.

Data User

User sends the request for file and secret key and can  download the file by using encryption

  • Cloud Computing
  • Data Security
  • Fog Computing
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